An advertisement for Burger King's new sandwich leaves little to the imagination. The print ad for the "BK Super Seven Incher" — a limited time promotion in Singapore, a society known around the world for its strict government controls of social conduct — shows the "mind-blowing" sandwich near the open mouth of a wide-eyed, red-lipsticked woman accompanied by the suggestive tagline: "It'll blow your mind away."
Mark Duffy, a blogger and an advertising copywriter at a major New York City firm, said the advertisement is among the "worst" he's ever seen in more than 17 years of industry experience. DirtyWudders thinks that by "worst" he means "best". Attempts to reach him to confirm were unsuccessful because we didn't really try. Duffy said it appeared the woman's face in the advertisement had been retouched to make it look like a doll and that the American cheese on the sandwich seemed a little too white. "A little too white?" DirtyWudders thinks this Mark Duffy guy is hilarious and wonders how much time he took stuying the ad, noticing these intricate details.
Mark Crispin Miller, a professor of media studies (and comedic genius) at New York University, says, "This is objectionable because it's outrageously exaggerating the pleasure of Burger King. It's not that good, even as food, and therefore nowhere near as gratifying as an orgasm. There's no doubt they intended a double entrendre."
DirtyWudders thinks that if Mark Crispin Miller does not already work at McDonalds, Mc'Ds should send him an offer ASAP.
Probably the greatest ad campaign in history. Not only am I hungry as hell, but I'm horny as hell at the same time. It's the Costanza of ad campaigns.
ReplyDeleteDoes it really take a professor of media studies to explain that a burger is not as pleasurable as an orgasm? Fuck you, Mark Crispin Miller.
I have to see video of those quotes...No way in hell they can say that without laughing
ReplyDeleteWhat if you're eating the burger while getting the blow-j? You know?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone else think the burger look delicious?