Monday, July 27, 2009

Penn State Voted No.1 Party School

Penn State has been voted the Number One party school in the country in 2009 by the Princeton Review. I believe it.  Anyone who has spent time in State College can attest to the school’s partying prowess, and there is nothing like a PSU tailgate on a Saturday morning in the fall.  Good times.


Other areas PSU made the Top 20 in the survey: students dissatisfied with financial aid, No. 2; jock schools, No. 3; major frat and sorority scene, No. 3; best athletic facilities, No. 3; best career services, No. 6; everyone plays intramural sports, No. 6; best college newspaper, No. 6; lots of hard liquor, No. 9; students study the least, No. 11; and least politically active students, No. 17. 


I’m sure the parents of prospective/current PSU students love hearing these kinds of reports. 


  1. No. 9; students study the least...

    Thats because they don't have any libraries. Or at least none that I ever saw.

  2. Easiest football schedule---#1

    Most Div. 1AA Teams played/season---#1

  3. How many batteries does it take to beat the University of Michigan? 1 AA. At least Penn State doesn't lose to them when scheduled...

    Spider Rico probably went to a big football school.

  4. Can't forget "Study body thinks University Name is synonymous with Harvard"----#1

  5. Somebody is bitter...

    Don't forget NIT Champs!

  6. My school hasn't lost a football game since 1977...I bet PSU can't say that!
