That's right for the third year in a row the Phils are the NL East champs and look to repeat as World Phucking Champs. If you are a baseball fan, there is nothing better than October baseball. Looking ahead it appears that the Phils should finish ahead of the Cards, and the Rockies and Dodgers have a huge weekend series that will determine the NL West. Right now the Rockies are 2.5 games out, but the Dodgers have been struggling as of late. Quite frankly it doesn't matter to me who we play. I like the Phils' chances against any of the NL playoff teams. For all of you out there that have tickets to game one of the division series, its looking like the Phils will be playing Wednesday, October 7th provided we get home field advantage. Better start making arrangements with work now so you will be able to get down there in plenty of time to tailgate, and watch Hamels and the Phils start the journey back to the promised land.
On another note I thought that it was a great move by Charlie last night to bring in Lidge to get the last out. As much as Lidge sucked all year, I think that was the right move. It had to be a confidence booster for Lidge hearing all those fans go crazy as he came out of the pen. Maybe that's what he needed. Maybe now that he has realized that the fans are behind him things will turn around for him. Baseball is a funny game. Sometimes the smallest thing can turn your whole approach around. Baseball is a long season and I know that pretty much every Phillies fan right now has little or no confidence in Lidge. Time will tell, October baseball can bring out the best in a player, but it can also bring out the worst. I am pulling for you Lidge. All will be forgotten if you can get the job done and get us back to where the best team and fans need to be.
Also, does anyone out there think that Moyer's injury was faked because he knew that he wasn't going to make the playoff roster? I mean from what I saw it didn't look like anything happened when he was pitching, and he was walking around fine last night after they won. My theory is that the he knew as well as Charlie did that there was no room for him on the playoff roster, and Charlie wanted him to keep his dignity. Moyer is a well respected veteran in that clubhouse, and by saying that he has a torn groin makes it look a lot better than to say that he is not good enough, or there is no room for him on the playoff roster. Thoughts?
I can see how it looks that way about Moyer but no, that would be embarrassing to him. Moyer pitched some big innings for the phils this year. I always doubted that old son of a bitch and he always proved me wrong.
ReplyDeleteAgreed - classy move by Chalie, putting Lidge in. Now the right move is to leave him off the playoff roster. This team cannot afford to hope "October brings out the best" in him. I will never rip Lidge because of what he did last year but I would tell him to have surgery and come back healthy next year... I don't care what he has surgery on, knee, brain, whatever, just come back healthy next year.
Maybe he could get surgery on that mole on his face?
ReplyDeleteThat old bastard has pitched some very big innings for the Phils down the stretch. I MEAN Moyer is a very respected influential veteran in the Phillies clubhouse. I can see how this could be a way to save his reputation heading into spring training next year. He is very competitive and I think that this would look better than to say you are off the roster because we have no use for you.
ReplyDeleteI am pulling for Lidge. I know I am probably setting myself up for disappointment but I would like to see him get it done. Now that its the playoffs, all of those blown saves disappear, and that ridiculously high ERA is now at 0.00. Everything that happened this season no longer matters, and he has the opportunity to start with a clean slate. I like his chances of bouncing back. He was one of the main reasons the Phils won it all last year, and no one can deny that. I say give him the ball to see what he does.
It is amazing how 1 pitch can make you feel that good.
ReplyDeleteHaha that one pitch was spectacular! By no means do I think that him getting the last out is going to make him become the Brad Lidge of '08. I am just saying that he may have regained that confidence that he had just by coming into a game with a playoff atmosphere crowd behind him. Maybe that woke him up or something. Also like I said he gets the opportunity to forget about what has happened over the season and start fresh.
ReplyDeleteNo - his numbers reset in October - his mind does not reset. Its not a video game.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the sht out of what Lidge has done for this team but I can't trust him to get outs in the playoffs.
I thought it was incredibly awkward bringing Lidge in for one pitch last night. Everyone was prepared to celebrate, and we had to wait for Lidge to come in from the bullpen and warm-up. It was almost embaressing to bring him mid-inning. Why didn't they just let him pitch the entire 9th? We had a 6-run lead.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it was awkward. Lidge appreciated it. It was a good move and shows why guys like to play for Chalie.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what the exact timimg was but I believe Atlanta lost minutes before Lidge came in - so the division was already won.
I don't think it was awkward at all. Maybe the timing was bad. I'm not sure why he came in for the last out, he should pitched the whole ninth inning. Who knows though maybe Charlie liked the matchup between Lidge and Berkman. All I am saying is that someone in that pen needs to step up and take control of the closers role. No one has yet, and no has proven that they can get the job done. So why cant Lidge step up and be the one to shove it up all of his critics asses? I say give him the ball in game one. I am not sure if I am sold on Lidge, or if I just sold myself on Lidge, but give the guy the ball in the 9th until he blows a save.
ReplyDeleteI think I would start a petition to get your ass fired, if you were the coach.
ReplyDeleteHere is a comment from you on September 8th
SEC202 said:
"Brad Lidge stinks. At this point I dont care who the closer is, as long as it is not Lidge. How many more chances are you going to give this guy? He has blown 11 saves. Imagine how comfortable of a lead the Phils would have if he had converted on even half of them."
Colorado is up 5-0 on Milwaukee. I think they clinch with a win - and pull within 2 of L.A.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't that pull the Phillies within 1 game of home field until the WS?
ReplyDeleteI think they are .5 behind L.A. with a game in hand
ReplyDeleteEveryone has said things about Lidge and every other Phillie in the past. Doc I think at one point you were calling Rollins a stiff cause he got off to a slow start. So I don't want to hear that. Everyone that knows anything about baseball knows that Lidge sucked this year. I said it too, but there is no one else that has proved to be a viable closer in that pen. Why not go back to what got you a ring last year? Lidge has had an awful year, maybe the worst year out of anyone in the MLB. Its a new season though. I know its not a video game, but it can be a chance to start with a clean slate. He will have a new mentality going into the playoffs, and maybe he can get that swagger back now that he knows he is pitching in October. Like I said, I am probably setting myself up for disaster, but there is always a chance that he turns it around. Screw all of Lidge's critics, I want him to shove it up Doc's ass.
ReplyDeleteLets be honest no one can handle the Phils like Charlie can, but I would be a damn good manager Doc!
P.S. welcome back Spider. I haven't heard from you in a while. What do you think about your boy Kendrick?
Now you are making me look like a Lidge hater. I have said all along that he gets a free pass in my book because of last year - I would just say that he tweaked his knee last night (apologies to anybody who has heard me say that 1000 times). You are the one switching sides each time he throws a strike or a ball.
ReplyDeleteNo I never wrote anything about Rollins being a bum. I may have said it but that was purely, fantasy baseball driven. That comes with drafting home team guys - by the way - we made amends during my dominating 11 game winning streak to the title.(in case you were worried.)
I'm not trying to make you look like a Lidge hater. I am just saying that you have to go with what got you there last year, and that was Lidge. Its playoff time there is no need to start experimenting with the closer role. First of all you cannot pull a Moyer with him and say that he needs surgery. At this point with how bad the Phils pen is struggling he is another arm that can be put to use. You have to go with what you have at this point. Maybe they should have got an extra arm at the deadline or on waivers, but they didn't. Lidge is the closer no matter how good or bad he was. Going forward I think that he is the only option for the Phils closer. Madson cannot do it, he is a setup man, and everyone else is not even an option. Maybe Myers, but who knows what is going on with him. I'm not switching sides, I am just being realistic. This is all the Phils have. You have to make it work.
ReplyDeleteYou never wrote anything about Rollins, but we have had conversations in the past about J-Ro. Its the same thing. You say things because of frustration, not because you mean them. Lidge pissed me off so I said that someone else should close. Thats the same thing as you saying that Rollins should be benched. Do you mean it? No, but you say it because you are frustrated with how he is swinging the bat. FU and your fantasy team, you got lucky.
Good to be back, Sec202...even though I didn't know that I ever left.
ReplyDeleteKendrick has picked up a couple meaningless wins over the past few weeks. That's called being an overachiever!
Speaking of overachieving Phillies, Sam Donnellon wrote a good article on Chris Coste in today's Daily News:
Sounds like he may retire after the season.
He's going to be the Phillies manager (with Moyer as pitching coach) in 2015.
You are grasping at straws. Never did I say Rollins should be benched - I said he could be moved to 3rd in the order to get him going (when he was hitting .200)- and once he got going, move him back - and you agreed with me.
ReplyDeleteBy the way - I wish I suggested that because he was actually benched and that did get him going. I can't take credit for it though..
No - I don't think you go with what got you there last year. Last year, Lidge was the best option..this year...im not going to get into numbers - you know what they are.
You said: "Lidge is the closer no matter how good or bad he was." That is absolutely crazy talk and yes you are setting yourself up for disaster. Ryan Madsen is my closer - I know he struggled in the role but he is the best option/best stuff. 1 inning, 2 innings whatever. If he can't throw on a particular day, I righty/lefty the shit of them to get the job done.
I do agree - that with all the injuries - that he will be on the roster. But i'm only confident putting him in against a rookie who I think will chase some pitches.
I am not grasping for straws at all. How can you say that Madson is your closer? He saved a handful of games this year and blew almost just as many. Agreed, he does have good stuff, but he is 10-16 in save opportunites. That is worse than Lidge! How can you say that he your closer?! Madson does not have the mentality nor the experience to close games especially on such a high level as the playoffs. He is strictly an 8th inning set up man.
ReplyDeleteYou absolutely 100% can go back to what got you there last year. Why not? So you are saying that you want a guy who is inexperienced in the closers role pitching the 9th in the playoffs? Now that is crazy talk. Brad Lidge is the closer of the Philadelphia Phillies. He has been there, and understands the pressure of being a closer on the big stage. This year he has struggled (a lot), but so has Madson. In fact Madson has stuggled just as much as Lidge did. You are not seeing that because Lidge for one Lidge has more chances in the 9th, and for two the spotlight is on him. If Madson was the closer all year you would be saying you want someone else there, because the outcome would probably have been worse than Lidge's. You cannot turn to someone with little experience as a closer and expect him to get three outs in the 9th.
I don't know what else to say. I could not disagree with you anymore than I do right now and i don't feel like repeating anything I have already said. I understand Madson's struggles but I also think he is the best relief pitcher on the team and he can pitch multiple innings. That makes him the best option in my mind - not a perfect option - but the best option available. He also has postseason success. Happ would be my other option. Wainright as a rookie, pops into my head as a guy thrown into the fire. They were rewarded with a title.
ReplyDeleteLidge has a 7.34 ERA. If you feel comfortable with that and your little reset button, then have at it. If Lidge comes in and is lights out I will admit I was wrong but I still wouldn't have made the move.
I'll save you a seat after you flip/flop back a few more times.
My seat is on Lidge's side at this point, and I am not getting up. I will be sure to save you a seat when Lidge shuts the door in the ninth. , and everyone starts blowing him again.
ReplyDeleteLidge's ERA is embarrassing I agree. I was looking for Madson's ERA as a closer, but I couldn't find it. I would bet that it is up there with Lidge though.
I don’t understand your stance on Lidge, Sec202. What makes you think Lidge is magically going to get things going all of a sudden? The only reasoning I’ve read seems to be that you ‘have faith’ in Lidge as the closer, but why? Contrary to what you say, it is not a “new” season, it’s still 2009. Just because his stats are back to zero doesn’t mean his mind is right again. We’ve all been praying for Lidge to turn it around this season, and all he’s done is prove over and over that he cannot be counted on with the game on the line. Throwing one pitch in the clinching game probably felt good, but it means nothing in the grand scheme. I really hope I’m wrong in the end, but right now I don’t want him on the field in the postseason. In my opinion he shouldn’t even be on the playoff roster.
ReplyDeleteMadson has a 3.18 ERA this season. Yes it is much worse in the closer role but because of his overall good numbers, I think he can get the job done.
ReplyDeleteWill he be 8 for 8 or 9 for 9 (or whatever)like Lidge was last year. No, most likely not but I have more confidence that this years Madson can get the job done better than this years Lidge.
My reset button will be pushed around Christmas/NewYears. When that happens Lidge gets first dibs at '010
Look at you two assholes teaming up on me. I am sticking to my guns on this one. Lidge is my guy to come into the game in the 9th and shut the door. Doc you better hit your reset button now so you can enjoy the ride.
ReplyDeleteNamesake, what do you not undertand? It is pretty cut and dry. I want Lidge to be in the mound in the 9th inning. He gives the Phils the best chance to win. Oh, and by the way this is like a new season. All those home runs that Howard are erased. All the games that the Phils won, or lost, or blew suddenly do not mean shit! Everything is starting over and its the last team standing. You clearly did not understand what I was trying to say. Namesake, you say that Lidge cannot be counted on, and that is fine. But who can be counted on? Madson? I dont f'ing think so! He has blown 6 saves in 16 chances, that is worse than Lidge! At least Lidge ended the season with 31 saves. All of this has nothing to do with Lidge throwing one pitch against the Astros, but it has everything to do with putting the Phils in the best position to win close games in the playoffs. So Namesake he should be left off the playoff roster? Who is going to fill the void? Jack Taschner? Are you f'ing kidding me? Lastly Lidge will "magically" turn it around because this is the playoffs. A whole different stage. This is do or die time, win or go home. Once Lidge grasps that and gets in the right mentality you and everyone else in this city will be riding him all the way to WORLD FUCKING CHAMPIONS AGAIN!
Sec 202 - That was the best blow job i've ever had. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThat grasp you are talking about is me, grasping the back of your head.
I'll easily be able to locate my fast balls and stop throwing so many sliders now. Thanks pal!
Sec 202 - you obviously don't know piss from shit when it comes to baseball. I mean, Brad got it done last year but Madson is the closer in the playoffs. Yes, I just referred to myself in the third person, but you blow dudes.
ReplyDeleteWow Lidge and Madson commented. DW is getting big time.
ReplyDeleteNamesake, you can go F yourself. You just made those usernames to cover up for your lack of knowledge about baseball and the Phils. Be honest, once I fired back at your comments you put your tail between your legs, and created another name because you cannot stand up for yourself. You dont know shit! Oh by the way Namesake, your magnet is hanging on my fridge for the "save the date". Thanks PUSSY!
ReplyDeletePhil Sheridan has an article about Lidge's proverbial "reset button" in today's Inquirer:
I love it.